Writing a CV takes a lot of time and effort; with every sentence you write a potential deal breaker. But it’s not just what you write that makes a difference, it’s also how your CV looks.
A CV has to be eye catching, professional, and in some instances creative if you want to get an interview. Depending on the role and the industry you are applying too, the way you present your details is a crucial part of the recruitment process.
More and more people are beginning to see the advantages of using a ready made CV template rather than creating their own. When chosen correctly, this can give the job seeker an extra boost and increase their chances of success. But is choosing a CV template the right thing to do for you?
To help you decide, here are the pros and cons to using a CV template.
Pros to using a CV template
Saves a lot of time
The first and most obvious advantage to using a CV template is that it will save you a lot of time. Starting from scratch with a blank page can be a daunting task, and that has been completely taken away from you.
Choosing a CV template could take a matter of minutes, and the hours you’ve saved can now be better spent on the content of your application, or watching Netflix. Hopefully the former!
You won’t miss a section
Trying to figure out which sections you need for your CV can be tricky. The great thing about using a CV template is that has already been done for you. All you need to do is simply enter your details into a section, and then move onto the next. It couldn’t be any easier!
Might not be a trusted source
One thing you have to be careful of when looking for a CV template is whether or not it comes from a trusted source. There are a lot of websites out there that create CV templates that aren’t up to scratch. The standard can be quite poor, and if you decide to use a template which doesn’t look great and has an important section missing, it will likely hinder your chances of getting an interview.
Pay close attention to the overall quality of the website, as well as the amount of content you see. A large amount of content which has been written to a high standard is a good indication that the website is genuine and can be trusted.
Your CV isn’t yet finished
Don’t place all of your faith and trust in a CV template and assume that most of the hard work has been done. If you do decide to choose a template you must still remember that a lot of effort still needs to go into the actual content.
The overall presentation of your CV may be eye catching and look professional, but if you are not able to demonstrate the right skills and experience to the employer, you are not going to get any further. So don’t simply rely on a great looking CV to get you to the interview stage.
Good sources of free CV templates:
Take care when visiting ‘free’ CV template sites. Many will make you create a profile and spend a long time editing your CV, using their software. You’ll then find that the only way to get the template at the end is to subscribe. The above links have been checked and do not require any sort of sign up or payment.